SPARS 2011: Talks and Posters

In addition to the 8 Plenary talks listed on the front page, there is availability for 66 contributed talks. All who wish to present their research on sparsity will have the opportunity to do so, either through a contributed talk or in a poster. Contributed talks will be selected based upon a one page extended abstract.

Instructions are as follows:

  • Submissions to present your work as a (contributed talk or poster) are due by April 1st 2011.
  • One page extended abstracts must be composed using the standardized latex template.
  • One page extended abstracts should include references and may include graphics as desired. Submissions over one page in length will be returned to the author(s) to be abridged.
  • Abstracts should be submitted in PDF format. In addition to the PDF extended abstract, you will be asked to submit a brief (under 100 words) abstract in the web form.
  • Notification of abstract acceptance for contributed talk or poster by April 21st 2011.
  • If you prefer to present your work as a poster, please alert the organizers by emailing